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If you wish to join one of our many committees, please see the following committee list, including a brief description for each, and apply for the position(s) that best fits your area of expertise.
Affordable & Equitable Housing
The purpose of this committee is to: increase awareness of homeownership by providing education to REALTORS® and the community regarding affordable and equitable housing opportunities; understand the scope and magnitude of the affordable and equitable housing issues at the local, state, and national levels; foster relationships with nonprofits and municipalities that engage in affordable housing efforts; and become a resource for REALTORS® and consumers by providing a multi-platform repository for affordable housing information, research, and subject matter experts. (Meets monthly)
Community Service
This committee coordinates the Association's involvement in the community each year. (Meets monthly)
Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Council
The purpose of this committee is to: be a listening body for the membership; continually review the Association for systemic racism and discrimination issues that hold back and/or discourage diverse leadership and membership; and recommend diversity and inclusion opportunities that initiate, foster, and ensure equal opportunities throughout the Association. (Meets monthly)
Governmental & Community Affairs
Calling all members with ties to their community government! Members of the Governmental & 社区事务委员会将他们与立博体育赛事大都会社区政府的立博体育赛事结合起来,使协会在影响当地政策问题上发表意见 our industry. 该委员会通过专业游说来制定地方条例和政策, grassroots advocacy, and supporting the election of pro-REALTOR® candidates for public office. Committee members also review legislation 并建议采取政治行动来保护房地产经纪人、我们的行业和客户的利益. (Meets monthly)
Member Engagement & Public Relations
该委员会通过促进反映我们不断发展的全球市场和我们立博体育赛事利益的机会,鼓励协会参与和包容所有立博体育赛事. (Meets monthly)
RPAC Fundraising
RPAC筹款委员会负责协调立博体育赛事房地产经纪人政治行动委员会的所有ARA筹款活动. In addition, 该委员会与乔治亚州房地产经纪人协会和全国协会合作 表彰对PAC进行重大投资并被全国房地产经纪人协会认可为主要投资者的房地产经纪人成员. (Meets monthly)
该委员会组织并制作协会的年度春季活动,以使选定的年度慈善机构受益. (Meets monthly)
可持续发展委员会-这个充满活力和热情的委员会致力于通过合作和宣传来教育和参与我们的成员,以提高认识和行动. A few examples of our work include planning and hosting our annual EcoFest shredding celebration, 与本地物流服务公司合作,最大限度地有效利用绿色清单功能, and film/post sustainable moments to social media. (Meets monthly)
Top Producers
This committee reviews rules and examine applications for the Top Producers, 该奖项表彰前一年的批量生产和重大交易的代理商和经纪人. Membership is this committee is restricted to Top Producers Life Members. (Meets January - March)
Trade Show
This committee produces Showcase, the Southeastern Residential Real Estate Trade Show, which is the Association's largest annual event. Proceeds from the trade show benefit the chosen annual charities. (Meets January - August)
Training & Development
该委员会每年为普通立博体育赛事计划并制定至少六个职业发展计划, as well as two programs targeted to managing brokers. 它还与该协会的学校——佐治亚房地产学院合作, to administer at least six free continuing education programs annually. (Meets monthly)
YPN Planning
This committee will plan future YPN events, as well as provide direction for how the YPN can best serve our members. (Meets monthly)
Statewide Professional Standards Cooperative
立博体育赛事房地产经纪人协会是由佐治亚房地产经纪人协会建立的全州专业标准合作社的成员. Members of the following ARA董事会在每个日历年年初任命2个委员会.
Click here to sign up 为任何一个委员会,这样你将被考虑为下一个日历年的任命.
该委员会审查和调查针对立博体育赛事的投诉以及向协会提交的仲裁请求. 在适当的情况下,它会将其提交给专业标准委员会进行听证会.
In order to participate on this committee, you must: (1) have held REALTOR® membership for a minimum of three years; (2) attend a GAR approved Professional Standards training seminar; and (3) sign a confidentiality agreement.
Professional Standards
该委员会鼓励所有成员严格遵守房地产经纪人®道德准则. It conducts hearings on alleged violations of the Code of Ethics, commission disputes, and other matters referred by the Grievance Committee and/or the Board of Directors.
In order to participate on this committee, you must: (1) have held REALTOR® membership for a minimum of five years; (2) attend a GAR approved Professional Standards training seminar; and (3) sign a confidentiality agreement.
Committee Structure Update (2022)
In an effort to make Atlanta REALTORS® committees more inclusive, an ARA task force was assigned to review the existing committee structure. 工作组提出了以下建议,并在董事会会议上获得批准 May 18, 2022. 这些变化影响到ARA董事会和委员会的出勤政策,并立即生效, so please review carefully:
- ARA委员会将不再由投票成员和贡献成员组成. Any ARA member will have the opportunity to join a committee and vote, as long as they adhere to the attendance policy.
- From the time a member joins a committee or the Board of Directors, 在日历年内三次缺席该委员会的定期会议将被视为退出该委员会或董事会.
- For the purpose of fulfilling attendance requirements, 通过音频或视频会议的参与不应被视为缺席,只要他们的摄像头为视频会议打开. No member shall be allowed to participate in the committee or Board of Directors meeting via video conference while operating a moving vehicle.
- For the purposes of tracking attendance, 任何委员如在主席宣布会议秩序后超过五分钟才入会,应视为缺席. It is recommended that each committee chair announce the five-minute mark at every meeting, so there is no misunderstanding between staff and volunteers.
- 如果一个立博体育赛事开会迟到超过五分钟,将被宣布为“缺席”,以便跟踪出席情况, 他们将不被允许对提交给委员会或董事会的任何动议进行投票 for consideration at that meeting.
Additional recommendations can be found here.
If you are interested in joining an ARA committee, we welcome your involvement! Please join today!